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USCIS Launches First-Ever Fully Electronic Business Immigration Filing Using Organizational Accounts

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is undertaking a bit of a digital transformation when it comes to the business immigration filing process, a move that marks a significant moment in the agency’s operations. In its latest effort, USCIS is moving toward online filing for all business-sponsored visas (including H, E, L, O, and R categories) and green card cases.

The first visa to formally shift to a digital filing system is the H-1B visa category. These moved online starting in February, with the first filings to go through this process being those selected through the H-1B visa lottery that took place in March.

At Valvo & Associates, our team is adjusting to these changes and is ready to assist businesses and professionals in navigating this new digital landscape by filing petitions, uploading supporting evidence, and handling USCIS filing fees online. Although the system is in its initial stages and presents its own set of challenges, it signifies a promising beginning.

Why Are These Changes Being Made?

The shift towards a fully digital filing system for business immigration matters is not a sudden decision but a strategic response to the need for more efficient and streamlined operations within USCIS. The objective is clear: to expedite filings and decision-making processes, thereby enhancing overall service delivery amidst historic backlogs and challenges.

During recent presentations, USCIS officials emphasized that the move to an online system stems from a desire to eliminate redundant data entry and foster collaboration between businesses and legal professionals. The latter, in particular, is important for our team and our clients.

How Will This Work?

The introduction of “Company Groups” within the USCIS filing system is a major element of this, but it requires careful attention to how these are structured to maximize the benefits of the digital transition. These groups are designed to enhance flexibility and foster collaboration, addressing and potentially eliminating the challenges previously posed by reliance on less efficient communication methods.

This evolution in the filing process highlights the importance of strategic planning and collaboration in navigating the new digital terrain of business immigration filings. There are elements of these Company Groups that are binding and cannot be changed later, so businesses need to be careful and ensure they’re established properly. These groups will be where the collaborative approach to filings is made possible.

How This Benefits You

The move to a fully electronic filing system by USCIS opens a new chapter for businesses, professionals, and their families seeking to work their way through the US immigration system. While the promise of a more streamlined process is enticing, it’s crucial to approach with caution given the historic backlogs and filing delays that have characterized USCIS operations.

At Valvo & Associates, we are equipped to fully leverage this online system to the advantage of our clients. Our ability to directly file petitions, upload supporting evidence, and manage filing fees online enhances our capacity to serve businesses and individuals more efficiently and cost-effectively. For those seeking to understand these changes or for other business immigration questions, we invite you to contact Valvo & Associates.

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